About GlobeGliders


At GlobeGliders, we envision a world where travel transcends beyond a mere journey; it becomes an immersive and transformative experience. Our vision is to inspire wanderlust and facilitate seamless exploration, connecting travelers to the beauty and diversity of the world. we strive to empower every traveler to discover, connect, and create memories that last a lifetime. Join us on this journey, where every destination is a story waiting to be written.


At GlobeGliders, our mission is to be the catalyst for transformative travel experiences. We are committed to providing a seamless platform that not only inspires wanderlust but also facilitates the discovery of the world's beauty and diversity.We strive to make every journey a story waiting to be written. Our mission is to redefine travel, making it a source of personal growth, connection, and joy for every adventurer who joins us on this global exploration.

Our Story

GlobeGliders was born from a collective passion for exploration and a belief that travel is not just a journey from one place to another but a profound and transformative experience. As avid travelers ourselves, we faced the challenge of finding a platform that seamlessly combined inspiration, planning, and connection with like-minded individuals. Determined to bridge this gap, we set out to create a comprehensive travel site that goes beyond the conventional.


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Kunal Shah

Amrish Rau

Sampad Swani

Ankush Sachdeva